Rowan Acupuncture
Integrative Wellness
Acupuncture has become so popular due to the success of treatment outcomes. Patient feedback and research studies prove this! Not only improving main issue but overall health, mood and wellbeing.
To listen to your needs and create a bespoke treatment plan. Together we will work to achieve your goals creating a happier more balanced lifestyle.
Idyllic Wellbeing Clinic is located in the heart of Wistow Rural Centre, Leicestershire. Surrounded by beautiful countryside and designed with your care in mind. Schedule an appointment today!
Cupping clears inflammation, congestion and stagnation of the skin, muscle, bones, joints and organs, releasing tension and reduces pain.
Moxa has a stimulating effect on the body, helps to build energy levels and enhances the effects of acupuncture by warming and nourishing specific points before needling.
Gua Sha uses a brushing technique to release stagnation in the skin and muscles alleviating pain. Great for headaches & migraine, neck & shoulder pain, back pain and soft tissue injuries.
Feel free to get in touch.
I am happy to answer any questions
about acupuncture and treatment and offer a free 20 minute consultation.
Where to find us:
Hive Health,
Wistow Rural Centre,
Kibworth Rd, Leicester LE8 0QF
Wistow Rural Centre, Kibworth Rd, LE8 0QF, UK.
07931 524566